AX02 - F1 2026 CONCEPT CAR
How do you take something already extraordinary—like a Formula 1 car—and create a visually stunning successor? That was my mission for this project: to design a car adhering to the 2026 F1 regulations, one that ignites passion while matching the technical excellence of today's machines.
How do you take something already extraordinary—like a Formula 1 car—and create a visually stunning successor? That was my mission for this project: to design a car adhering to the 2026 F1 regulations, one that ignites passion while matching the technical excellence of today's machines.
The journey began with sketching. I explored unique design ideas, focusing on the floor, sidepods, and wings. Translating these concepts onto paper was the spark that set the entire project into motion.
Next came the creation of a basic 3D mesh. To bring my sketches to life, I collaborated with the talented Emil Qvist. Sharing my drawings and ideas, we quickly started modeling, translating the shapes from my papers and imagination, into a 3D chassis. Through countless feedback loops and re-sketches, we refined the design to perfection, resulting in a low-poly car ready for the next phase.
At this stage, the project became a solo endeavor again. I dedicated myself to crafting the intricate details that would bring the car to life. This was by far the most time-intensive step. The UV map had to be flawless, every body line seamless, and even the smallest details, like pieces of tape, perfected. I created seven distinct carbon fiber composites using a procedural workflow and applied them to the body panels I had designed. With the addition of a brand-new set of Pirelli tires and a custom launch livery, the car began to take shape.
For the rendering scene, I selected a model created by Sayed Abdalfatah, a hard-surface modeler at Artix Studios, where I serve as Art Director. Using the same attention to detail as with the car, I added textures, materials, and detailing to the scene. Finally, I crafted the lighting and effects setup to achieve the desired atmosphere.
The results, as seen above, represent some of the proudest work of my career. While the majority of the hours were spent alone, this project could not have been completed without the contributions of others. Emil Qvist’s patience, skill, and collaborative spirit helped bring the design to the starting grid. Thomas Knipe’s faith in my vision and financial support carried the project across the finish line.
- Simon Ramampiaro
Simon R. Designs